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Network of Allied Cities for Climate and Energy Transition (Rev'ACTE)

Support to the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME) for the creation and animation of a network of Tunisian cities committed with climate-resilience and energy management.

Short project description

The project consists in networking Tunisian cities committed to energy management in order to facilitate the transfer of experience, the dissemination of pilot initiatives and the exchange of good practices.

The network has 7 member cities: Bizerte, Mahdia, Nabeul, Sfax, Sousse, Tozeur and Tunis, and is structured around 4 priority themes: public lighting, eco-construction, diversification of energy sources, and mobility. 

The network's member cities have benefited from training, technical support and exchanges with their Tunisian and Mediterranean counterparts on common issues. An internet platform (now hosted on the site of the ANME ACTE programme) has been created to facilitate the dissemination of documents and tools useful to members (specifications, study reports, methodological guides, etc.).


2019 - 2021



Institutional partner





Services provided

> General coordination of the project

> Creation and animation of the network: selection of member cities, organisation and facilitation of workshops

> Design and delivery of 4 training modules: energy project design, project structuring and management, project financing, communication

> Support for the planning and implementation of 3 priority municipal energy projects.

> Digitalisation of administrative procedures for energy audits on plans and installation of photovoltaic installations

> Production of 3 educational video clips

> Organisation of study missions to Barcelona and technical trainings

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