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Development and implementation of a Municipal Energy Monitoring Dashboard

Design and implementation of a municipal energy management tool in 30 pilot Algerian municipalities in 4 wilayas (Adrar, M'sila, Mascara, Jijel)

Short project description

As part the national Green Municipalities programme launched in 2021 by GIZ and MICLAT, IDE-E provides support to the local partners to design, develop and implement an Energy Management and Monitoring tool in 30 pilot Algerian cities.

This tool aims to support decision-makers and municipal official to visualize the energy consumption of municipal assets, set objectives in terms of energy consumption, facilitate the definition and planning of energy actions and monitor their impact. 

Services provided

> Design of a concept of an energy management tool and an operating protocol based on the needs of the Algerian municipalities (features, key indicators, operating system, etc.)

> Development of the IT system

> Support for 2 pilot municipalities to use of their energy management tool (data collection, team training, use of the tool, analysis, identification of improvement actions).

> Identification, training and supervision of local experts responsible for supporting the adoption of the energy management tool by Algerian municipalities

> Development of energy performance standards and targets adapted to the Algerian context

> Monitoring of the energy management adoption by pilot municipalities in Algeria

> Communication of the results achieved and preparation for the national rollout of this tool


2022 - 2024



Institutional partner





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