Closing ceremony of SUDEP South Project in Chefchaouen (Morocco)
Chefchaouen presents achievements in energy and climate policy – and reveals its vision 2030.
17 October 2018. On the occasion of the SUDEP South closing event, in presence of an EU delegation, the French Consul of Morocco, GERES, IDE-E, city councillors and several local partners, Chefchaouen presented the results achieved in energy and climate policy – since 2012 – with the support of multiple national and international partners.
In 2012, the City of Chefchaouen joined the AMEE’s national Jiha Tinou programme, thus entering a continuous cycle of energy planning, implementation and monitoring. With the support of multiple international partners, among which the EU, GIZ, ADEME, REPIC, AFD, GERES and IDE-E, Chefchaouen has achieved a variety of concrete results: For instance, it established a municipal energy management and monitoring system; improved the management and energy-efficiency of its public lighting system; adopted energy-efficiency standards (combined with thermal comfort) in public buildings, promoted no-motorised mobility, equipped municipal agents with electric bikes, installed solar roof tops to power the city's town hall and public library, built a solar-heated public swimming pool, established an Energy Information Centre and an Eco-Centre to host trainings and connect with civil society organisations and citizens.